速報APP / 醫療 / Span Medical Bed Configurator

Span Medical Bed Configurator



檔案大小:60.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


Span Medical Bed Configurator(圖1)-速報App

The Bed Configurator is an interactive, online tool from Span-America for selecting and configuring long-term care low beds.

With the Bed Configurator, a clinician or care provider can...

- easily compare the Span bed models Encore™, Advantage READYWIDE™, Rexx™, Rexx™ Fast and Advantage™,

Span Medical Bed Configurator(圖2)-速報App

- select the most appropriate bed for their specific facility needs,

- test the operation of the beds via simulated bed controls,

- select from a choice of head and foot board styles and finishes, and

Span Medical Bed Configurator(圖3)-速報App

- outfit the bed with the options and accessories that are best suited to the demands of their care-giving environment.

Users are encouraged to register and save their bed configuration(s) for comparisons and quote requests. Note that for desktop or notebook use, users can visit the integrated site www.ConfigureBed.com and log in to the same account there.

This application is optimized for the iPad and supports the iPad mini.

Span Medical Bed Configurator(圖4)-速報App

For more information about Span-America's product lines, please visit www.SpanAmerica.com.

Span Medical Bed Configurator(圖5)-速報App
